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The Only Things Saving My Skin This Summer

I get it- it's hot out, the beach is calling your name, and everyone is having fun outdoors. It's nearly impossible to dodge the rays in the summer, not to mention, why would you want to? Summer time is all about being outside with friends and family. There's a reason it's stereotyped with barbecues, picnics, and beach days. But- what about your skin?

I know, I know. Sunscreen isn't typically viewed as 'cool' or 'necessary' by teenagers. I was young and naive once, too (I still am, but not when it comes to this). The sun may be fun, but the rays are also harmful. Burns aren't even the worst of the consequences. Skin cancers, peeling, freckling, pain, discomfort, itchiness, and skin tightness are just a few of the awful things that sunburns can bring about. Just last summer, Refinery 29 reported that, "A single sunburn does slightly raise your risk for melanoma, the most serious kind of skin cancer. If you've had five sunburns, your risk for melanoma is doubled," (Read the full article here). Even just, "one bad burn as a child makes you half-again more likely to develop melanoma as an adult,” says Neil Box, PhD in the Colorado Cancer Blog (Read more here.)

So, yeah. Burning is a pretty big deal. And if skin cancer isn't enough to scare you into protecting yourself, this might be. When you damage your skin as a teen, it ruins your skin as an adult. Wrinkles, sun spots, and crepe-like skin aren't cute at any age, but they certainly aren't cute at 35. 

So get over your so-called 'image' of being tougher than the sun, and lather up. Here are the products I'm using this summer:

Aveeno Facial Sunscreen

1. Face Sunscreen: The last thing I want are wrinkles. Even though I'm young, I dread the day I get my first permanent wrinkle. *shudders* I'm using this one to protect my face and keep me looking young- and it seems to be working. I get mistaken for a 14-year-old all the time. 

Body Sunscreen

2. Body sunscreen: Hawaiian Tropic has always been my favorite sunscreen brand. It smells amazing, adds a touch of shimmer, and hydrates my skin all summer long. 

After Sun Lotion

3. After-sun Lotion: I use this after I've spent all day in the sun. Even though I reapply sunscreen regularly when I'm out on the sand, I sometimes feel like I need some aftercare. 

Peppermint Oil

4. Peppermint oil: You may be thinking 'Peppermint? Isn't that a winter time thing?', and yes, you're right. Peppermint is amazing in hot chocolate and candy canes, but it has perfect uses for the summer, too. If you do end up with a sunburn, or you're just trying to cool down, add a few drops of peppermint oil to your body lotion and apply all over. The tingly cooling will feel great on your hot skin. When it gets way too hot out, I apply a few drops to my neck and forehead to cool down quickly. It sounds weird, but it works. Trust me. Try this one.

Floppy Hat

 5. A cute hat: Perfect for protection and insta-worthy pictures, a cute floppy hat or a baseball cap will protect your scalp and help you find some shade. You can check out the link to this hat here, but there are a ton of Etsy knock-offs that are just as cute at a lower price. 

Ray Bans

6. Sunnies: With all this worrying about saving your skin, don't forget to protect your eyes, too! Grab a new pair of sunnies and rock them all year long. They'll help you avoid crow's feet in the future. 


What products do you use in the summer? Let me know below! 


safe & sunny

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