So Here We Are...
So, here we are. My first personal blog post. On my first personal blog. How did we get here? Well, let's take a look back. Since I was a kid, I've always narrated things in my head. I always felt that my life was a movie, and I was the main character (duh). I used to pretend I was hosting a talkshow or vlog for even the most basic tasks. But as I grew up, I realized I had a unique perspective on life. I like to tell stories, but more than that, I like to bring people together through storytelling.
I had been considering starting a blog for some time now, but the little things were holding me back. What would I blog about? Would anyone read it? Would anyone care? What if I get too personal?
Finally, I thought, 'screw it, I'm doing it'. And then I did it.
I realized I didn't care if people judged me based solely on this blog.
I want to tell stories, to connect people. It doesn't matter that I don't have a Master's in English, because I'm not writing the world's next great novel. I'm writing for me, and for people like me, to share thoughts. This blog isn't groundbreaking- hell, everyone has a blog these days- but it's mine and yours and all of ours. So if you read this while you're on break at work, or in the morning when you're trying to drag yourself out of bed, all that matters is that you're connecting with me. So here we are. Who knows where we'll go?
Lots of love,
Kelleyfornia ;)